Sastanak Međunarodnog bankarskog savjeta u Odessi

Sastanak Međunarodnog bankarskog savjeta u Odessi thumb thumb

U periodu od 04.-06. oktobra 2021 održava se sastanak Međunarodnog banakrskog savjeta (International Banking Council), u Odessi, Ukrajina. Aktuelne su brojne teme:
Macroeconomics -Overcoming the Crisis and Growth Challenges:    
- QE (quantitative easing) during a global pandemic: the experience of developing economies, Economic growth vs financial stability: priorities of central banks
- The pace of economic recovery: the role of bank lending (or how to move from recovery to outrunning growth)
- Risks of the post-covid era for the banking sector and the economy
Ecosystems and marketplaces
- Keys to Financial Marketplace Success
- Financial supermarket vs financial product on a universal marketplace (which platforms are more efficient in general or for certain product categories)
- Bringing a financial product to the marketplace: requirements and success factor
- Ecosystems: create your own or grow into the existing one? Possible strategies and selection factors
- Development of financial ecosystems: impact on market competition

Direktor Udruženja banaka BiH, Berislav Kutle, imao je aktivno učešće u panelu Makroekonomija - kako prebroditi krizu i izazovi rasta. U svom izlaganju prezentirao je Globalnu i lokalnu prespekivu ekonomije i bankarstva.
Sastanku prisustvuju predstavnici Udruženja banaka iz regije kao i šire. Ovo je jedinstvena prilika za predstavljanje Bosne i Hercegovine i bankarskog sektora.