The Second session of the Commission for Physical Security

The Second session of the Commission for Physical Security thumb thumb

The Second session of the Commission for Physical Security was held on 14th of March 2018.

In its review of the previous session, the Commission noted that banks mostly implemented the proposed preventive physical protection measures during the winter period and mitigated the risks assessed during the winter period. The session discussed the quality of personnel security agencies and their training in performing banking security. There was a frequent fluctuation of staff and the need to maintain the achieved level of quality of professionalism in providing banking security. Therefore, it was concluded that representatives of entity Ministry of Interiors and Security Chambers will be invited to attend the next session of the Commission, whereby from the different angles they will look at the issues of training and fluctuation of security personnel. It was also discussed the need to improve the existing legal framework for physical protection and to introduce risk assessment of the objects.