SIPA hosts authorized persons from banks in AML training
On 23rd of April 2018 in the premises of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA), in the framework of the IPA 2013 Twinning project entitled "Money Laundering Support", training was held by the officials of the SIPA Financial Intelligence Department and experts of the European Union.
The training was attended by over 60 participants from the banking sector and a number of agencies in charge of supervision of the taxpayers in regard to Law on Anti Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorist Activities.
Participants were presented with activities of SIPA Financial Intelligence Department, risk assessment activities of money laundering and financing of terrorist activities in BiH, current typologies and indicators of money laundering and financing of terrorist activities in BiH and European Union countries, and news in European legislation in this area.
The objective of the training is to improve the work of bank officials in BiH in anti money laundering and financing of terrorist activities, detecting and reporting suspicious transactions and cooperating with the Financial Intelligence Department of SIPA.
This training represents one of the series of activities undertaken by SIPA in order to improve the system of prevention and detection of money laundering and financing of terrorist activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.