Round Table - The improvement of judical enforcement process in BiH
Representatives of UBBiH participated in today's Round Table organized by the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of BiH (VSTV), which aimed at improving the enforcement process in BiH by selecting effective enforcement means.
At the Round table participated: representatives of the Agency for personal data protection, representatives of a number of courts in FBiH, representatives of pension funds, FBiH Banking Agency, FBiH Ministry of Justice, representatives of Brcko District, and public companies from FBiH and RS.
During the discussion and after the presentations, the experiences of various law enforcement were exchanged between institutions. It was noted that the enforcement process in BiH should be more efficient. As was the case before at similar gatherings, the challenges and the squabbling of courts with communal lawsuits have been re-accentuated. On behalf of UBBiH, the issue of the incompatibility of entity law enforcement procedures with entity law on internal payments in the part regarding compulsory billing has been challenged.
Namely, the enforcement laws do not know the "main account" institute introduced by entity law on internal payment transactions and its obligation to use in enforced collection. This issue has remained open and will be discussed in the forthcoming period by the relevant institutions.
The topic of personal data protection has also been discussed at the meeting and umber of problems that arise in everyday work, especially public companies have been presented. The Personal Data Protection Agency has suggested that every data needs to have the stated legal basis and purpose and that if there are dilemmas in the application, the Agency should be contacted in writing with the request for interpretation. The attendees are informed that the creation of the Register of Physical Persons Accounts is in progress and that after the establishment of this Registry the numerous problems that are presently present in the implementation of the executive procedure and the forced collection of physical persons will be resolved.
The Round Table was held within the framework of the Project Improving Court Efficiency and Responsibility of Judges and Prosecutors in BiH - Phase Two. The project is financially supported by the Swedish Government.